Dr. Helen Zomer recently attended the Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAIC) annual meeting that took place on April 25-26, 2024, in Arlington, Virgina. She presented her poster on Healing Skin Wounds in Older Adults. The poster was on research that tackles chronic skin wounds, a common issue in older adults. These wounds can significantly impact mobility, social life, and overall well-being. Current treatments often fail to consider the unique challenges of aged skin. One key factor is estrogen, a hormone that declines with age in both women and men. This study explores how to safely reactivate estrogen signaling in wounded aged skin to promote healing. Preliminary studies using bioactive factors derived from the human placenta to increase the expression of estrogen receptors and promote wound closure in human skin cells and mice showed exciting findings. For her poster she won the Poster compotation for Best Poster.