Christopher Vulpe, MD, PhD
About Christopher Vulpe
Ecotoxicology My lab and I are developing novel approaches for identifying and understanding the toxicity of chemicals and nanomaterials in aquatic ecosystems. We are focused on the aquatic indicator species Daphnia magna (a crustacean) as well as representative fish species such as Rainbow Trout. We are also developing CRISPR based approaches to assess the function of toxicant related genes.
Mammalian ferroxidases – Hephaestin Intestinal iron absorption is remarkably balanced to provide adequate iron to meet the body’s iron needs while preventing toxic excess. In a collaboration with Greg Anderson from QIMR, Brisbane Australia, Hephaestin (Hp) was identified to be a membrane-bound copper containing ferrroxidase required for export of iron from the intestinal enterocyte into the circulation. We have utilized floxed Hephaestin (Heph) to generate both complete and tissue specific knockouts confirming that global and intestinal specific knockouts result in systemic iron deficiency. In collaboration with Huijun Chen, at Nanjing University, we have demonstrated increased iron levels in many regions of the brain in mice lacking the Heph gene. Most recently, we have been analyzing the molecular mechanisms of the hair loss phenotype associated with iron deficiency in Heph KO mice.
Teaching Profile
Research Profile
Dr. Vulpe’s group uses systems level approaches in eukaryotes from yeast to people to identify the functional components that respond to and modulate the consequences of environmental stressors. Most recently, his laboratory is utilizing genome wide and targeted CRISPR screens to understand the mechanisms of toxicity of environmental chemicals, chemotherapeutics, and other exogenous stressors. His group uses functional, genomic, and genetic approaches to provide insight into mechanisms of toxicity in diverse model systems including human models such as human cell culture, organoids, and rodents, as well as ecologically relevant organisms such as Daphnia magna.
- CRISPR/Cas13
Contact Details
- Business:
- (650) 291-5679
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PO Box 100144
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PO Box 100144